Income tax checkoffs created re elementary and secondary education materials, shared revenue, and MA program  - AB193
Income tax checkoffs created re elementary and secondary education materials, shared revenue, and MA program  - SB140
Public Utility Distribution Account revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 770e, gh, 1719d, 2187p, 2188d, 2191L, n]  - AB40
sheboygan countySheboygan County
Kiley, William ``Bill": life, public service, and commitment to the Plymouth community commended - AJR119
sheriffSheriff, see also Jail
DNA sample: court to put person found delinquent or not guilty by reason of mental defect, sentenced, declared a sexual predator, or in custody for a crime requiring a DNA sample into sheriff's custody long enough to provide a sample; DOJ duty  - SB169
Elections for DA, sheriff, register of deeds, county clerk, treasurer, surveyor, coroner, and clerk of circuit court made nonpartisan and term of office to begin the first Monday in June: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR51
Klink, Raymond: life and public service of retired Waukesha County Sheriff commended upon his death  - AJR43
Meals to jail and prison inmates limited to two per day unless a medical need is indicated by a physician  - AB77
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  AB192
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  SB128
Prescription drugs or devices for incarcerated persons: Corr.Dept and sheriffs required to charge for  - AB76
shoplifting _retail theft_Shoplifting (Retail theft), see Crime and criminals
shoreland zoningShoreland zoning
County shoreland zoning ordinance does not apply to unincorporated areas under set conditions  - SB36
Ferrous metallic mining regulations created, nonferrous metallic mining regulations revised -  AB426
Ferrous metallic mining regulations created, nonferrous metallic mining regulations revised; utility facility approval procedure modified -  SB488
Phosphorus and shoreland zoning rules: economic impact analysis and report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9135 (3f)]  - AB40
Shoreland zoning standards or ordinances regulating the use, location, maintenance, expansion, replacement, or relocation of a nonconforming structure revised - AB597
Shoreland zoning standards or ordinances regulating the use, location, maintenance, expansion, replacement, or relocation of a nonconforming structure revised [S.Amdt.1: definition revisions and ``reconstruction" condition removed; S.Amdt.2: effective date added (Senate vote reconsidered)]  - SB472
shorewood, village ofShorewood, Village of, see Milwaukee County
shsw _state historical society of wisconsin_SHSW (State Historical Society of Wisconsin), see Historical society
signSign, see Billboard; Road — Marking; specific subject
silvicultureSilviculture, see Forestry
skateboardSkateboard, see Amusement
skiingSkiing, see Recreation
small businessSmall business, see Business
small claims courtSmall claims court
Small claims actions: jurisdictional limit increased, exceptions specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3484k-q, 9309 (1g)]  - AB40
Small claims actions: jurisdictional limit increased; filing fee revised -  AB106
Small claims actions: jurisdictional limit increased; filing fee revised -  SB70
small loanSmall loan
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -  AB150
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -  SB99
Payday loan revisions re interest, database, and consumer reports to verify income; title loan provisions re certificate of authorization, interest, rescission, and other requirements; certain exemptions for affiliates of financial institutions; Division of Banking duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2637d-kk, 9317 (1u)-(3u)] -  AB40
smoke detectorSmoke detector, see Fire
smokingSmoking, see Tobacco
snap _supplemental nutrition assistance program_SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), see Food stamp plan
snowSnow, see Weather
Intoxicated use of an ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat: laws revised; snowmobile safety course revision; JRCCP report - AB439
Snow sports in a ski area: liability and negligence provisions established, safety requirements set [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, snowmobile and ATV provisions added]  - SB388
Snowmobile registration, trail use sticker fee and supplemental aids, and gas tax formula revisions  - AB465
Snowmobile registration, trail use sticker fee and supplemental aids, and gas tax formula revisions  - SB365
Snowmobile supplemental trail aid funding [Sec. 3193; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
Snowmobile supplemental trail aid funding [Sec. 3193] -  SB27
``Vehicle" and ``motor vehicle" definitions revised re snowmobile, ATV, and EPAMD (remedial legislation)  - AB486
snuffSnuff, see Tobacco
social securitySocial security
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - AB40
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - SB27
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation, see also Water — Pollution
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - AB40
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - SB27
Transportation projects: borrow site and material disposal site provisions and definitions created, local zoning exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2245k] -  AB40
solid waste managementSolid waste management, see also Recycling
Iron mining permit application processing provisions established; fees, recycling tipping fee exemption, mining moratorium law exemption, prospecting permit, wetland mitigation, high capacity well, net proceeds occupation tax, and ILIF provisions -  SB542
Mercury-added lamps and thermostats: sale, collection, and recycling restrictions and requirements; disposal of mercury-added products; DNR duties -  AB744
Oil absorbent materials that contain waste oil: disposal in solid waste disposal facility prohibited unless certain conditions are met -  SB266
Oil absorbent materials that contain waste oil: disposal in solid waste disposal facility prohibited unless certain conditions are met, free-flowing oil provision - AB383
Plastic bulk merchandise containers: sale to scrap plastic dealer regulations created; definitions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  AB363
Plastic bulk merchandise containers: sale to scrap plastic dealer regulations created; definitions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  SB274
Recycling and renewable energy fund renamed the economic development fund, recycling surcharge renamed the economic development surcharge, recycling tipping fee deposits revised, environmental fund provision [Sec. 374, 376, 382, 576-578, 600, 602, 603, 628, 712, 753, 867, 887, 891-894, 2132, 2177, 2184-2187, 2984, 2985; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 577n, r, 887b, 894b, 2985b, deletes 576, 577, 887, 894, 2985] - AB40
Recycling and renewable energy fund renamed the economic development fund, recycling surcharge renamed the economic development surcharge, recycling tipping fee deposits revised, environmental fund provision [Sec. 374, 376, 382, 576-578, 600, 602, 603, 628, 712, 753, 867, 887, 891-894, 2132, 2177, 2184-2187, 2984, 2985] -  SB27
Recycling program requirements and financial assistance programs for local governments eliminated, disposal restrictions modified [Sec. 203-205, 591, 593, 595-597, 1684, 2150, 2728, 2954, 2956-2958, 2960-2983, 3507, 3508; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirements and assistance programs modified, not eliminated, recycling consolidation grants created, 591b, 596b, 597e, 2728b, 2957b, 2963b, e, 2969b, 2977b-n, 2980b-r, 2981g, deletes 203-205, 596, 1684, 2150, 2728, 2954, 2957, 2958, 2963, 2964, 2969, 2971, 2973-2980, 3507, 3508]  - AB40
Recycling program requirements and financial assistance programs for local governments eliminated, disposal restrictions modified [Sec. 203-205, 591, 593, 595-597, 1684, 2150, 2728, 2954, 2956-2958, 2960-2983, 3507, 3508]  - SB27
Sewer, storm sewer, water, and garbage collection fees: individual income tax deduction created - AB407
Tipping fee exemptions for waste from natural disasters [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2984n-z, 2985f, g]  - AB40
Tipping fees exemptions created for soil removed during cleanup of a contaminated site and discarded residue from a recycling facility; conditions and overdue tipping fee provisions -  AB643
Voluntary party liability exemption re environmental contamination cleanup expanded to certain landfills and revisions re removal of voluntary party and limit on amount spent on cleanup -  AB333
Voluntary party liability exemption re environmental contamination cleanup expanded to certain landfills and revisions re removal of voluntary party and limit on amount spent on cleanup -  SB253
southeastern regional transit authority _serta_Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA), see Metropolitan transportation
sovereignty of the stateSovereignty of the state, see State rights
special electionSpecial election, see Elections